Pesto Sourdough Bagels--Not Your Regular Bagels

I know I haven’t been blogging for over a month. But trust me, I do have a reason—this past month has been crazy, well, in a good way. Back in June I moved from the East Coast to the South and I felt the pain of moving across states: it is NOT easy, absolutely not! And last month, I moved again. This time from the very South all the way to the West Coast! Wait, that is not the whole story—I stayed in a rented apartment for a week but wasn’t so happy about its kitchen, so I just moved into my new apartment with a nicer kitchen this morning! Finally, phew! I’m not sure what’s gonna happen three or four month later with all the changes I will have with job-hunting but at least for now I am DONE with moving!

I mean it. Especially considering I also took quite a trip back to Maine and flew across country several times during this period. This pack-unpack process seems never gonna end, making me want to settle down so bad. It also leads me to realize that one of the reasons I love cooking is because of the serenity it offers—I need to be able to feed myself and people I care whenever I go.

Before this huge move, I spent a week cleaning my pantry and fridge and ended up making a lot of food. Of course I wasn’t able to finish all of them (I only had two of the pesto bagels I baked) so I gave most of the food to my friends and dear roommate.

Given that I’ve made plenty of sourdough bagels before, the only trick I played this time was adding a cup of freshly made pesto to the dough and knead them together well. For any of you who have basil plants, you know why I tried this recipe—it’s basil time of the year and I simply had too much fresh basil to use. Plus, homemade bagels are so much better than store-bought ones and they are fairly easy to make!

 I tried two shaping methods this time and each has its pros and cons.
Method A: poke a hole in the dough and roll it using two hands.

Method B: roll out the dough into a stripe and connect the two ends.


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