Salad Frenzy: Falling Love With Heirloom Tomatoes

Shopping for groceries here in Berkeley is both fun and challenging. While I am constantly amazed by the variety of fresh produce here, I find walking back home with bags and bags of groceries a bit too much. Still, I cannot resist the idea of shopping at one of my favorite markets so far, even though it means at least one hour “foot commuting” plus a shoulder pain that usually lasts for days. The fact that this market offers the best heirloom tomatoes I’ve ever tasted is powerful enough to conquer both my taste buds and my soul.

Then what I do with those heavenly tasty tomatoes? No second thought allowed, salad is the way to go.  Meanwhile, I am also falling for a Smoky Chipotle salad dressing. When that earthly smokiness meets the incomparable freshness of local harvested heirloom tomatoes...well, you fill in the rest.

Heirloom tomato+Peach+Avocado+Arugula+Smoky Gouda.

Heirloom tomato+Avocado+Arugula+Parmesan


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