A Delicious Way to Use Tapioca Flour: Pão de Queijo

This is said to be a popular desert available at most Brazilian buffet places but I have no idea, simply because I’ve only had Brazilian buffet once, during my last Christmas trip to Florida. And there’s no way I could have it in Maine--you know why.

But one thing I’m sure about this brazilian cheese bread is, it’s soooo amazingly good--especially when it’s still fresh and hot, right out of the oven. What I love most about those little buns is that you can taste the distinct texture of tapioca flour. It tastes somehow similar to sweet rice flour but a bit denser yet fluffier (am I contradicting myself here?). The recipe I used for my batch is from txfarmer’s blog (I would love to post the link here but her post is in Chinese so, anyone interested still?). She certainly did a great job baking those buns and her gorgeous pictures just struck me as I was browsing her blog one day. So I tried the recipe and had three immediately after taking the dish out of the oven that night! YUMMY! Crispy crust outside and moist yet soft inside--the combination is seriously unbeatable. Oh did I mention the delicious parmesan bits that I put in the batter (actually the recipe calls for two small spoons of minced garlic but I was too lazy to do the work so I skipped the garlic)? So the next morning I had another three for breakfast, yummy still but not as good as last night. Well, now you know what my advice would be...

The first batch I used my silicon muffin cups and because these buns were so tasty I baked two more batches later using my other cake molds. The doughnut shape ones looked adorable and were extra crispy!


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