Sourdough Rye Onion Rolls

Back when I was searching for articles on food and ethnic identity for my thesis's literature review, I stumbled upon one recounting the history of Chinese restaurants in New York and a interesting observation that most of their customers have been Jewish people. Later, this was personally confirmed by one of my professors, a Jewish American woman who holds an enormous passion about food (she is like the perfect companion you want to have over for meals--just listening to her appreciative murmuring while chewing food can make you feel like you are having the most delicious thing on earth!). “Oh we love Chinese food.” She also seemed surprised about the special food bond between Jews and Chinese. But well, it is a good thing, right?

On the other hand, I, as a Chinese woman, get curious about Jewish cuisine all the time (could anyone invite me to a passover, please?). I think the Kosher way of treating/preparing meat products makes a lot of sense, and actually sounds very similar to the Chinese way, however the latter does that more out of a practical purpose instead of a religious one. Anyway, what I’m going to post today has nothing to do with meat, or religion. I made these onion rolls because they looked really good pictured by Txfarmer on her blog. Please go see those gorgeous rolls here:

People, no need to hide, I hear you. I know. Compared with my amateur baking, she is a total professional! And how dare I tried the recipe and posted my first experimental batch here? Well,  at least I learned how to make them better next time. And these rolls are so so so good. As a crazy bagel-lover, I have no regret making them and they don’t disappoint me either. Honestly the recipe is a keeper.

I ended up making seven rolls following the recipe and didn’t use all the onion topping. So if you are unsure about this recipe or have no intention of making two batches consecutively within a month or just have a limited fridge space, maybe it would be a better idea to prepare less to start with.

I have to confess, I just couldn’t resist taking a peek into my baking oven, and this is probably one of few things you shouldn’t do in kitchen:)


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