Snack Time--Baked Kale Chips!

Seriously, at this time everyday my craving for snacks reaches a peak. My new favorite these days has been plantain strips: they literally won over my heart as I took my very first bite back during my last Christmas trip to Miami beach. The ethnic store I visited offered them in several flavors such as garlic and lime, but plain is the best, well, as far as I think. Strangely, I’ve never been a big fan of potato chips but I just cannot stop eating these strips. Compared with banana chips or potato chips, plantain strips actually taste kinda bland, but that is the trick! Before I even begin to feel the need to be guilty the whole bag is already gone. And sometimes I even have a ridiculous delusion that I am having a healthy snack: I don’t like plantain chips but these strips somehow resemble the most original form of a fresh plantain and make you feel you are eating fresh fruit, okay, they are just a little bit dried out.  

But hey, I am not that dumb. Deep down I know they are everything away from being healthy. They have as many calories as potato chips. Then what do I do now? I start looking for healthy snacks. Kale chips sold at around six bucks a small bag is not an option for an economic girl like me. But I do remember seeing people posting recipes of baked kale chips before and so I searched: recipes like that do exist (sometimes I just feel so blessed living with creative people like those recipe-inventors)! All you need is a bunch of fresh kale leaves, a pinch of sea salt, and olive oil. The bitterness of kale leaves used to keep me away from them but not anymore--this baking process makes wonders!


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