Oxtail Two Ways--Winter Comfort

 Winter finally arrived. Yes, I know, I can feel it even in California--now I have to put on layers whenever I decide to work in my room with the window open. But I have no complaints, compared to the harshness I had in Maine, winter here feels more like fall, my favorite season of the year. So I decide to cook some warm food and oxtail stew seems like a perfect choice. To be honest, I’ve never cooked with oxtail before--somehow the look of it scares me. Finally after seeing so many wonderful recipes I think it’s time to give it a try.

Recipe 1: Oxtail+tomato+jalapeno+shiitake;
Recipe 2: Oxtail+onion+celery+carrot+potato+tomato sauce+lemongrass

You probably know how I like my recipes to be flexible, and this is one of those as well: basically all winter vegetables are good for this dish.

Step 1: Sear the oxtails until all sides turn brown. Remove and set aside.

Step 2: Sautee diced vegetables until they become soft.

Step 3: Add broth and tomato sauce and oxtails, season with garlic salt, black pepper, some wine, and bay leaves. Simmer for about two hours till the meat is ready to fall off the bone.

I like chestnut so much, so much that I am eating it with rice--can you believe there’s actually a Japanese recipe for chestnut rice?! Roasted chestnuts remind me of winters in Beijing, and how people would line up for hours in freezing temperatures just to buy a bag of roasted chestnut!


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